While it may be tough to think about 2002 being twenty years ago now, it was a stronger year for cinema than most. While some movies are derivative products of their time that do not age well, others stand the test of time as either hallmark creations of their era or masterwork innovations in film. Here are ten films that fall into one of those two categories. While every film may not be for everyone, there are certainly a few movies here that anyone can enjoy.
The Evil Twin of St. Nicholas
Did you know there was a dark side to Christmas?
What came before Christmas?
There are many religions out there, and Christmas has become a conglomeration of each of them in its own way.
Winter Activities In Grand Rapids, Michigan 2021
A center of magical winter celebration awaits you- what will you explore?
Movies coming out this Holiday Season
Some new movies that are coming out, or have come out this holiday season.
10 Ways to Winterize your Home
Ten ways you can winterize your home for the cold that’s bound to come.
Apartment-warming Gifts: what to give a new apartment owner
What to gift a new apartment owner.
Thanksgiving on a Budget
Need to make Thanksgiving on a budget? No need to fear, here are some cheap and easy tips to use when buying and making your Thanksgiving dinner.
Historic Houses You Can Tour In Michigan
From the inventor of cornflakes to genius architects, there are so many breathtaking historic homes to tour, book as a venue, or stay overnight in here in Michigan.
The History of Daylight Saving Time
Its Daylight Saving Time not Daylight Savings Time. Here’s how Daylight Saving Time came about all over the world.