This time of year can be hard on your wallet, with Christmas right around the corner and thanksgiving in just one week your pockets will most likely be getting lighter by the day. So saving money in every way you can is a good thing, and having thanksgiving on a budget might be the way to go. But don’t worry, I’m here to make sure it goes smoothly.
First thing to do is not buy at the last minute, buy your food a week or so before the event, your turkey can stay in the freezer for another week, it won’t hurt it. If you buy things ahead of time you won’t be scrambling for last minute scarps that stores might not have. And you’ll get first dibs on what you buy.
Which comes to my next point, buy what you can from generic brands. Often they have the same ingredients as name brands and taste the exact same or very similar to name brands. Though if you have to get that one thing under a name brand that’s ok, find a way to make up that extra cash by nixing that one dessert that not everyone likes, or having one less vegetable.
Make sure you stick to your list, figure out what you need the night before you go shopping and stick to what you need. If you don’t have the money for it don’t get it. If not everyone will eat it, don’t get it, if it’s something only Uncle Jerry will eat, make him bring you aren’t responsible for small specifics. Though do be a good host and make sure there’s something for everyone, meaning if Aunt Kathy is there and on her vegan kick try to make sure there’s something for her, and don’t forget about allergies.
Buying in bulk, sometimes buying in bulk is a good thing, especially if it’s for a large meal like thanksgiving. And if you buy something like potatoes in bulk, and you don’t use them all, they are the type of food that keeps well and you can eat later on. So head on down to your local Sam’s Club or Costco and buy a few of your ingredients in bulk, it’ll save you some money, and if you don’t want to keep it all, send some home with family at the end of the night.
Share the bulk, in the same vein of bing in bulk, go in on some of those ingredients with friends. If you aren’t going to the same dinner share your hauls. It’ll cut the price in half for both of you and you won’t have a ton of leftover food you didn’t want in the first place.
There are a few recipes you don’t have to buy at the store, for example stuffing. If you eat a lot of bread then make sure you keep any crusts or bread butts to make your own stuffing, add some celery, chicken broth, onions, and butter to your bread and you’ve got some good old fashioned stuffing.
And, if all else fails, be like the college students and eat ramen noodles for dinner, you can never go wrong there.